联锁式护坡施工的主要组成部分包括: |
添加时间:2023/7/13 15:45:42 浏览次数: |
联锁式护坡施工的主要组成部分包括:地基土、土工布、基坑、趾墙、联锁式护坡砖、上沿挡墙。 The main components of interlocking slope protection construction include: foundation soil, geotextile, foundation pit, toe wall, interlocking slope protection brick and upper retaining wall. 地基土:坡体土工布以下土区、坡顶和坡底基础土; Foundation soil: soil area, top and bottom foundation soil below the slope geotextile; 土工布:在块体下面铺设土工布,增加渗透性,抑制淤泥的形成; Geotextile: lay geotextile under the block to increase permeability and inhibit the formation of silt; 基 坑:用于砌筑坡体下端趾墙; Foundation pit: used for building toe wall at the lower end of slope; 趾 墙:起到锚固护坡块,防止坡体下滑; Toe wall: anchor the slope protection block to prevent the slope from sliding; 联锁式护坡砖:护坡家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅 保定水处理设备 河北机械加工 保定养老院 保定防水是具有特殊形状要求的混凝土制品,其作用是提供结构的稳定重量和生态景观的效果。 Interlocking revetment brick: revetment brick is a concrete product with special shape requirements. Its function is to provide stable weight of structure and effect of ecological landscape. 上沿挡墙:锚固坡体上沿护坡砖 Upper edge retaining wall: anchor the upper edge of slope protection brick |
上一页 护坡模具是生产当中不可缺少的塑料模具之一 |
下一页 目前国内很多塑料模具质量都还是不错的 |