


What is the future research direction of slope protection mold?
国产护坡模具还存在一些缺陷,国产护坡砖模具设备在机床行业市场中的占有率很低,即使是在任务饱满的情况下,也应从长远发展出发,从战略高度去认识,并对这一市场进行充分研究与正确定位.特别是在中低档数控设备方面,国内企业也一样是大有州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定空压机 高碑店养老院为的. 针对护坡模具的这种缺陷,国外企业非常重视,一方面,重点关注模具内冷却,减少用喷涂解决模具温度平衡,减少喷涂时间,减少铸件在模具上的冷却时间,提高生产节奏,提高压铸生产效率;另一方面,重点关注模具拆装的快速,以及减少模具维修维护,更换易损件的时间。
There are still some defects in the domestic slope protection mold. The domestic slope protection brick mold equipment has a very low market share in the machine tool industry. Even when the task is full, we should start from the long-term development, understand it from a strategic height, and fully study and correctly position this market Especially in the low - and medium - grade numerical control equipment, domestic enterprises are also promising Foreign enterprises attach great importance to this defect of slope protection mold. On the one hand, they focus on the cooling in the mold, reduce the use of spraying to solve the mold temperature balance, reduce the spraying time, reduce the cooling time of castings on the mold, improve the production rhythm and improve the production efficiency of die casting; On the other hand, focus on the rapid disassembly and assembly of the mold, and reduce the time for mold maintenance and replacement of vulnerable part


  1. 名称:保定护坡模具加工厂
  2. 手机:13313028229

版权 © 保定护坡砖模具加工厂 网址:mojusn.37ix.com.cn  推荐:护坡模具,水泥护坡砖模具,河道护坡砖模具

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