① 按照设计边坡坡度要求,进行边坡地基处理,清除杂草、树根、突出物,用适当的材料填充空洞并振实,使边坡表面平整、密实,并符合设计边坡要求;
According to the slope gradient requirement, the foundation treatment of the slope is carried out, weeds, roots and outbursts are removed, holes are filled with appropriate materials and compacted to make the surface of the slope smooth and compact, and meet the requirements of the slope design.
② 挖掘边沿基坑,坑底填以适当的材料并振实,砌筑上下沿挡板,挡板顶标高砌至与连锁砖底标高一平;
(2) Excavating the edge foundation pit, filling the bottom with appropriate materials and vibration, building up and down along the baffle, the top of the baffle is elevated to a level with the bottom of the chain brick;
③ 在已完成的基础面上铺设土工布或级配碎石;
(3) Laying geotextiles or graded gravel on the completed foundation surface;
④ 从下边沿开始连锁铺设三行连锁式护土砖,砖的长度方向沿着水流反向铺设,下沿第一行砖有一半砌入趾墙中,与毛石或混凝土趾墙相锚固,下沿的第二行连锁砖的下边沿与趾墙墙面相交;
(4) Starting from the lower edge, three rows of interlocking earth-protecting bricks are laid in chain. The length of the bricks is laid in reverse direction along the current. Half of the bricks along the first row are laid into the toe wall, anchored with the rubble or concrete toe wall, and the lower edge of the second row of interlocking bricks intersects with the toe wall.
⑤ 砌筑下沿趾墙,用混凝土或毛石混凝土将剩余部分的趾墙连同锚固入趾墙的连锁砖一起砌筑,使趾墙符合设计要求的尺寸;
(5) Build the lower toe wall along the toe wall, and use concrete or marble concrete to build the remaining part of the toe wall together with the chain bricks anchored into the toe wall, so that the toe wall meets the design requirements.
⑥ 从左(或右)下角铺设其他护土砖,铺设方向与趾墙平行,不得垂直趾墙方向铺设,以防产生累计误差,影响铺设质量;
(5) Paving other earth-retaining bricks from the lower corner of the left (or right) in a direction parallel to the toe wall and not perpendicular to the toe wall, in order to prevent cumulative errors and affect the quality of paving;
⑦ 将连锁砖铺设至上沿挡墙内,砌筑上沿挡墙,使上沿部分连锁砖与上沿挡墙锚固;如需进行连锁砖面层色彩处理时,清除连锁砖表面浮灰及其它杂物、污染,如需水洗时,可用水冲洗,待水干后即可进行色彩处理;
_Lay the chain brick in the top wall and build the upper wall to anchor the upper part of the chain brick with the upper wall. If the color treatment of the chain brick surface is needed, remove the floating ash and other debris and pollution on the surface of the chain brick. If washing is needed, rinse with water, then color treatment can be carried out after the water is dried.
⑧ 用干砂、碎石或土填充砖孔和接缝;
(5) Filling brick holes and joints with dry sand, gravel or soil;
⑨ 为形成转角或直边,可用无齿锯切割护土砖以得到相应的规格和角度。 水流方向 连锁式护土砖 毛石或混凝土趾墙
_In order to form a corner or a straight edge, the earth-retaining bricks can be cut with toothless saw to obtain the corresponding specifications and angles. Flow direction interlocking earth-retaining brick-rubble or concrete toe wall